Waste Minimisation by Rebecca Harris - Waste Auditing

Waste Minimisation by Rebecca Harris - Waste Auditing

5th May 2022

Food waste is a huge issue! On average, every NZer creates 60+ kgs of food waste a year! Some more tips from Becks in this video can help you think about how to reduce your personal food waste.

  • Do a waste audit - what do you throw away often and how can you avoid it? i.e. for Becks, it wasn't always the food itself but instead the packaging. Go to Bin Inn or buy from bulk tubs in the supermarket.
  • If your audit shows you're throwing things out because they've gone past their best before-date, remember these dates are just a guide and use your common sense to assess whether that food can still be eaten. Chicken looking a bit green? Throw it out and next time remember to get to it before it goes off! Eggs that have been stored properly? Probably OK - Test them in water. As long as they don't float, go for it!
  • If you don’t have a compost, try finding a neighbour with animals like pigs or chickens that would welcome your scraps.
  • Buy with intention. Go to the butcher or to a vege-specific shop. You will probably spend less and get less packaging, and even if things cost a bit more it will make cooking and eating fun.

    https://lovefoodhatewaste.co.nz/ is a great online resource, one of many!